Mr. Prakash Chandra Gupta - Proprietor
He is a successful businessman having a P.G degree
in his academic carrier. He has been in the field of Essential Oils since 1986.
By establishing a fractional distillation unit and deep freezers in 1995 he
joined manufacturing field like a wise veteran businessman and made a indelible effect.
Afterwards he started to manufacture high quality Aroma Chemicals and selling them globally.
Because of his achievements in the trade the U.P. Govt. has also awarded him with U.P. Exporter Gold Card.
He is a graduate having a very pleasing and dynamic
personality. Besides graduation he has to his credit a number of diplomas
from many reputed institutes of India like RRL, CIMAP, FFDC etc. which
really proved very helpful in taking over the R&D activities and
fractional distillation unit . By joining in the business of his
father in 1995, he stirred it up a lot and got admitted in the list
of renowned companies of this trade . |