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MARKET UPDATE - 10/02/05

We have observed the various aspects of Mentha Oil, Spearmint Oil, Piperita Oil and Basil Oil cultivated in western U.P during the past year. The prices fluctuated on day-to-day basis. In the whole show exporters and farmers were losers but traders, manufacturers and stockiest were gainers. The main reason of losses to the exporters was forward selling and losses to the farmer were mainly due to lack of funds at the time of distillation to hold the stocks, so the farmers had to sell their oils at loss compared to this landing cost.
Analysis of Oil separately :

Piperita Oil

Estimated Production as on 2004 - 1100 M.T. In the last five years, farmers were getting attractive rates for the Piperita oil that is why they cultivated a huge quantity of it. Even the areas in which farmers used to cultivate Mentha crop they cultivated Piperita crop and new farmers also cultivated Piperita crop in huge quantity as well.

Due to huge production of Piperita oil its price came down, lowest in the five years at INR 375/- for Ist cutting -(4MF). Until Piperita oil IInd cutting -10 MF came to the market; the rate went down to INR380/-. The purchase of Exporters, traders, and stockiest continued and the graph rate of it started going up.

The agreements for the coming season of 2005 are being done between INR 510-520. But farmers are still not interested to cultivate its crop because the recovery of Shivalik is more than Piperita and speculations in the last one and a half month raised the market from 280 to 510 for Shivalik. It is interesting to note that the new area in which Piperita was cultivated last year will not cultivate this year. The farmers who have developed its root or who have been cultivating it continuously will cultivate Piperita crop this year.


In the year 2004 estimated production of Shivalik was 15000MT. Due to excess selling of Shivalik by farmers in the season the rate went down to INR 265/- i.e. much below to its landing cost INR 325/-.

It was estimated that the production of Shivalik was beyond expectation so advance selling was done by Indian exporters. The arrivals of oil in July-August came to an end all of a sudden. The speculators become active, due to this the market shot up to its maximum value INR 520/-. Due to this the Indian exporters started facing difficulties to deliver the goods to their buyers and demanded grace time for deliveries. Buyers were also worried because their shipments were not coming from India. On account of this they started purchasing oils from new exporters of this line, in very small quantities, but on very high prices to meet their immediate requirements. This brought more vacuums in the market and an encouragement for market bulls. In the same way the holding of menthol bold crystals of 2000MT did accrue in Gwalior market, so price graph want higher.

The vacuum created by speculators was suddenly released after three months and short-term investors and also speculators benefited. The exporters had to dispatch by purchasing materials on very high prices but still not on time. That is why the exporters lost their goodwill in the international market and also had to bear economic losses.

But for the this year predictions are that, the production of Shivalik for 2005 is estimated more than the last year.

Spearmint Oil

As compared to last year, the production of Spearmint crop will go down this year; mainly because the farmers didn't get satisfactory prices for their Oils. The production of Spearmint oil in 2004 has been going down as compared to year the 2003 and it is expected that this process will continue in current year too because farmers are not getting right prices only the stockiest & trades are be benefiting.

The two main reasons are responsible for less production of spearmint in 2005 will be :
1. The unavailability of roots.
2. The availability of diseased roots.

On account of this the recovery of oil will be poor and this will ultimately be helpful to raise the market price of Spearmint oil.

MARKET UPDATE - 07/06/04

Piperita Oil

The production of Piperita Oil has increased by 25 % in the year 2004 compared to last year because last year the farmers have got the better price for the crop and have diverted their interest more to Piperita crop, resulted in increase of production. Moreover, This year the quality of crop is very good and climatic conditions are still favourable, Only 10-15% of the First cut is balance to come in the markets. The excess Piperita oil is in the hands of the strong stockiest. The current price is ranging between Rs.380/- to Rs.425/- at Budaun / Mint markets. The expected crop this year will be about 1100 tons after completion of 2nd cut i.e. after 15th of July onwards. Though the rains in the month of May have not affected the 1st harvest but if their are heavy rains in the coming monsoon then the crops of the 2nd harvest may be destroyed and in that case the yield of the crops will fall and may result in hike of rates. It is a very - very important factor. We can offer you lot samples based on first crop. Kindly confirm your requirements with specs of interest so as to offer & sample to you.

Spearmint Oil

The farmers this year have not shown any keen interest for the plantation of Spearmint resulted in the short of crop this year. The expected this year about 100 to 125 MT hence the production of Spearmint Oil has decreased by more than 55 % in the year 2004 compared to last year. The current price is ranging between Rs.475/- to Rs.500/- at Budaun / Mint markets.

Mentha Oil

This crop is generated in the area of BUDAUN, CHANDAUSI, SAMBHAL, BARABANKI and the production of this crop Oil round about 15000 To 20000 MT and this year planting area is same in comparison with last year. It is said that planting may be 5% To 10% less in BARABANKI (U.P) but in other areas it is more so total area is more or less same.The variety KOSHI planted in fields is almost 75% To 80% and balance is SHIVALIK. The weather at the time of planting was good & favorable and expected. The crop will come around June 15th this year. The market will behave around Rs.270/- per kg. To Rs.280/- per kg. in BARABANKI (L-MENTHOL 70%) & in SAMBHAL, CHANDAUSI price is RS.290/- per kg. To RS.295/- per kg.(L-MENTHOL 72%). Please wait for further news as we are doing extensive survey in the fields.

MARKET UPDATE - 03/05/04

The production of M.Piperita oil was expected around 25th April but due to unexpected rain and the parliamentary election. We would get the production on time inspiteof the rain which occurred last weak was beneficial for the crop and now the distillation will start around 15th may.

MARKET UPDATE - 12/04/04

Piperita Oil  

On the account of adequate rainfall, in the last three years there has been abundant production of Mint Oil in the areas of northern India, particularly Western U.P. The farmers were able to reap excellent production in both 1st and 2nd harvesting of Mint Oil.

In the year 2003 the farmers were able to fetch very high returns in Piperita Oil . Therefore many other farmers have also diverted their attention towards this cash crop.

The production of Piperita Oil has increased by 25 % in the year 2004. As a result the production of Spearmint oil and Mentha Oil has decreased marginally. The experts have estimated the production of approximately 700 MT. of M.Piperita Oil in the 1st harvest. If the atmospheric conditions are in accordance with the crop's requirement then an estimated production of 400MT is expected in the 2nd harvest. Thus making the total production to 1100 MT.

Keeping in mind the bumper production the experts have opined that the wholesale purchase rates of Piperita Oil after the first harvest may vary between Rs. 420 to Rs. 440 per Kg. at Budaun. The bulk stockists will definitely try to encash this situation because for the last three years they have been observing that the same oil was being purchased at a very high rates slab i.e. between Rs.580 to Rs.650 per Kg. In the 1st harvest and the 2nd harvest's (Mentho-furan 10% base) rates had varied between Rs.680 to Rs.800 in the last year. Keeping these facts in mind the experts feel that this year the rates of 2nd harvest may vary between Rs.525 to Rs.550 per Kg.

Though the rains are not going to affect the 1st harvest which is scheduled in the month of May to June but if their are heavy rains then the crops of the 2nd harvest may be destroyed and in that case the yield of the crops may be only to the tune of 25% of the total expected production, thus making the rates to shoot like a rocket. And its a well known fact that the 2nd harvest of Piperita Oil in India is very-very crucial.

A particular big Exporter at India plays a great part in the purchase field of M.Piperita Oil. If that Exporter does not show its interest in supporting market in purchasing of Ist cutting Piperita then in that condition the market price of this oil could get down below Rs.425(At Budaun) /kg. Never the more but there could be lots of other causes that may effect the market, for example :

  • Getting less Mentha-Furans from the Oil.
  • Getting short Oil recovery from the crop on distillation plants.
  • The diseases in the crop may also affect the production.

The price of Piperita oil, which has been expecting to be Rs.450 is, may prove like a borderline and the variation of Rs.25 could occur in any time.

In these prices the buyer could get the loss by 30 % and the seller by 70 %.

Spearmint Oil

Due to short plantation of the crop its production will be expecting only 100 to 125 MT. so its graph will move up word continually from the very beginning by the selling price of Rs.450 .


BUDAUN is a district Head Quarter of Western Uttar Pradesh (INDIA). The climate of the district is very authentic for the farming of mint herb since 1975. The farmers of the district are produce Mint crop on commercial bases. The main crop of the place is as below :

    Mentha - (Mentha Arvensis. L, Family-Libiate ) :

      The Scientists have developed through their continuous research 'GOMATI' a high breed by selection for years together from SIVALIK-88 through open-polyneted mathod as well. Planting this crop in the month of January and this crop sliding for the month of May to August. This crop distilled by steam Distillation. This crop L-Menthol received a very nice source, from this breed L-Menthol 70% to 75 % is obtained and Menthol Crystal, Menthol Powder, De-Mentholised Oil, Peppermint Oil, Liquid Menthol, Menthone & so many fractions are manufactured. This crop is generated in the area of Budaun, Chandausi, Sambhal, Barabanki and the production of this crop Oil round about 15000 to 20000 MT.

    Mentha-Piperita - (Linn & Hudsvar, Vulgaris Family Labiate) :

      Besides Bareilly, Budaun Stands at the second step in producing Piperita crop. Planting this crop in the month of January and this crop sliding for the month of May to August. This crop distilled by steam distillation. The percentage of Mentho-Furan in first cutting is found from 2% to 5% and the percentage of Menthol is from 30% to 34%. Similarly from second cutting the percentage of Mentho-Furan increases by 5% to 15%. In the Menthol contains reduced from 30% to 18%. The production of Oil is round about 800-1000 MT. and the greater part of it exported.

    Spearmint-Mentha-Spicata- (Family Labiate) :

      Produce of the crop is not found in other districts except Budaun. Planting this crop in the month of January and this crop sliding for the month of May to August. This crop is the right source of L'Carvone. Percentage of L'CARVONE from first cutting is 54% to 58% and it comes down to 51% to 48% from the second cutting. Excrete 80% to 95% L'CARVONE is produced from fractional Units & L'Limonene-95% for the another finished product in this Oil . Spearmint Oil also produce in China but Indian Spearmint Oil is much better flavor than China.

    Indian Basil (Ocimum-Basilicum-L) :

      Budaun district is the single producer of this crop. Planting this crop in the month of August and this crop sliding for the month of October to November. This crop distilled by steam distillation. In Budaun the production is round about 300 MT. and this is a main crop of monsoon here. The Oil contains is from 17% to 21% of LINALOOL & METHYLE CHAVICOL 70% to 75%. Aromatherapy & indigenous manufacturers for the isolation of Methyl Chavicol 99.5% LINALOOL 98% & ANITHOL 99.5 % purity (Ciss>0.150%) is manufactured. Apart from this approximately 2 MT. of D'LINALOOL RICH Basil is being produced and OCIMUM-GRATISSIMUM-EUGENOL-RICH production is under process.

      Mentha Citrata, Jamrosa, Lemon-Grass Crop is also being produced in quantity in India Round about 150MT these crops.

      All the above Natural Oils, Aroma Chemicals, Isolates and Bold Crystals are being produced in the district by 450 steam Distillation Units and 10 Fractional Units. Four Chilling Units are also there. From Quality Control purposes there Six Labs with Gas Chromatographic establishments are also there in the district. To sum up it can be said with no doubt that more than sufficient infrastructure is available in the district for the production and manufacturing of Mint Oils. Remaining distance by Road one to one and half hour from Chandausi to Sambhal respectively where crystallization of Mentha Oil is being produced in Huge Quantity by 600 Chilling Units.

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